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The Office

We founded Tutu Production, a structure of production and diffusion for contemporary scenic creations in Geneva in 2007.


Tutu Production
Pauline Coppée
Lise Leclerc
Cécilia Lubrano
Véronique Maréchal
Anna Piroud

Correspondence Address
Case postale 264
1211 Genève 8

Avenue Ernest-Pictet 28
1203 Genève

Tel +41 22 310 07 62


Currently, we collaborate with seven artists and companies:
Ruth Childs
Cédric Djedje
Phil Hayes
Julia Perazzini
Joël Maillard
Samuel Pajand

Each artists that we accompany develop a specific, strong and committed artistic work. They have in common a central need to continuously explore the existing languages and scenic forms, questioning at the same time the glances that we pose on ourselves and on the world which surrounds us. By associating ourselves with their commitments, our desire is to help them find the visibility they deserve in the multiplicity of the current field of contemporary artistic creation.


Tutu Production is supported by the Canton of Geneva.


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